Always expect the unexpected - this is indeed part of our life here in Congo!
Last week while walking on the streets of Bukavu we randomly met a good friend of Pappy, who spontaneously invited us to join the festivities for the "Journée Internationale de la Femme" (International Women's Day) on the 26th and 27th of March. What we thought would be a small celebration turned out to be a two-days festivity organized by the Civil Society of South-Kivu.
Tuesday afternoon was a big celebration where prizes were given to 20 women and 20 men who are working for various institutions fighting for the rights of girls and women affected by sexualized and domestic violence in the South-Kivu Region of the DRC. Among many representatives of different human rights organizations, we had the chance to talk to advocates, doctors and members of government who are investing in the improvements of rights and wellbeing of all females affected by war. The founder of the organization "Laisser Afrique Vivre", invited us to have dinner at his house on Saturday and share with us his experiences during a private interview. Pappy had the chance to also reconnect to Dr. Kabanga, medical director at the Evangelical Hospital in Bukavu, who will arrange a meeting for us the following week. We also had the chance to connect with a representative member of the MONUSCO in Bukavu. We pray for all of those connections, God willing, to grow and bear fruits concerning our project.
On wednesday we were invited to spend the day at "Panzi Hospital", where Dr. Mukwege and his team of doctors, nurses and lawyers presented their work, strategy and shared their daily experiences. Another group of survivors of sexualized violence honestly shared their stories and perspective of war. It truly was a privilege to be part of this gathering and get an insight into the many issues the society is struggeling with. During the closing ceremony and open-air concert with Barbara Kanan on wednesday evening we were seated in the first row next to the president of the Civil Society who invited us to have a private interview in her office the coming week. The whole celebration ended with the slogan: "Ca suffit" meaning "It's enough". Women in the DRC have suffered enough. It is time for Congolese women and men to rise up and get the respect they deserve. It was a touching moment when all of a sudden the spectators and participants started dancing, singing and raising their voices celebrating a breakthrough of peace they want to see established in their country. Whistles where distributed and within minutes we found ourselves surrounded by hundreds of people making noise, dancing, singing... and this was just a glimpse of the potential that lies withing the Congolese culture!
Apart from that event, Pappy had a meeting with Pastor Bulambo, head of the organization "Heritier De Justice", who has agreed to partner with us on our project and arrange meetings with influential people of different parties and groups involved in the war. This organization is dedicated to reconcile different armed groups and to encourage those still fighting in the vast forests of Congo to surrender their weapons and join a rehabilitation program.
For us, it is very encouraging to see that Congolese people here and in the diaspora are rising up to bring about change in their country. We feel that it is the right time for us to be here to learn, explore and give our love to the Congolese poeple!