Overjoyed and more than privileged we were able to receive our first visitors from Germany here in Bukavu! Melanie and Irina have arrived safe and sound at the boarder in Bukavu on tuesday afternoon where we picked them up. Thanks and honor be to a friend of ours who has picked them up at Kigali Airport, hosted them for the night and accompanied them on their 6 hours journey by bus to the boarder of Congo. Thank you, Fahamu!
Even more we are thankful to God who has protected them and overcame all obstacles on their way. Indeed, God has blessed them from the very beginning of their journey to be a blessing to the people here of Congo. Melanie and Irina started their journey with 8 luggages and with a total overweight of 37kg yet payed nothing nor experienced any trouble at the customs and boarders they crossed on their way here - not even at the boarder to Congo! The custom in Bukavu didn't even open a single luggage as a remote family member of Pappy's, who is working there, forbid anyone else to even touch the bags of our visitors. The luggages are full with donations of clothes and medical supplies that we will donate to different organizations and hospitals we are partnering with. One bag went missing on the way, yet we are hopeful it will arrive at Kigali Airport the next few days.
Thank you everyone back home who has contributed generously financially and otherwise! May God multiply His blessings in your life!
Together we had a great first evening with all of Pappy's brothers and three other friends who had offered us their car and helped us crossing the boarder from Rwanda to Congo together with our visitors. On top of that we enjoyed a good dinner with a medley of Congolese and German food and fruits!
The following days we will be quite busy visiting different organizations, hospitals and some more remote areas near Bukavu. The program has been set up and arranged by Pastor Bulambo working for "Heritier de Justice". For you to be able to still join us in prayer and thoughts you can follow our program below. Thank you for being a part of us!
Wednesday 24/04
9:30 - 10:45 Reception and Welcome at RL CELPA
11:00 - 12:00 Visit "Hope in Action"
14:00 - 15:00 PREV (Programme de Réinsertion des Enfants Vulnérables)
15:00 - 17:00 CAMPS (Centre d'Assistance Médicopsychosociale)
Thursday 25/04
8:00 - 10:00 LAV (Laisser Afrique Vivre)
10:30 - 15:00 Panzi Hospital
15:30 - 18:00 Reception and Dinner at Dr Isokelo
Friday 26/04
9:30 - 12:00 SOS Chldren's Village
13:30 - 15:30 Centre Olame
17:00 - 19:00 Reception and Dinner at Nicolas (he is the pastor of the church Pappy and Svenja are attending)
Saturday 27/04
Trip to Kalehe. A village where the organization "Laisser Afrique Vivre" is running a center for women and girls affected by sexualized violence and several other projects.
Monday 29/04
9:00 - 13:00 Héritier de Justice
15:00 - 17:00 Aprodeped
Tuesday 30/04
9:30 - 13:00 Programme Paix et Réconcilitation/ECC
13:00 - 14:30 War Child
15:00 - 17:00 UNFPA
Wednesday 01/05 - public holiday!
14:00 Reception and Lunch at Pasteur Bulambo
Thursday 02/05 - Friday 03/05
Trip to Mwenga - another city in the west of Bukavu
Saturday 04/05
10:00 - 12:00 Civil Society of South Kivu
13:00 - 14:00 Caucus des femmes
Monday 06/05
Trip to Ngweshe, a rural area outside of Bukavu, where we will be visiting CELPA Ibanda and Mushinga, the village where Pappy was born and his family used to live before the war started
Tuesday 07/05
Departure to Goma via boat
Yes, we are blessed to get connected to all of these organizations, explore the territory, learn from the local people and experience more of God's guidance, protections and blessings!
Our experiences throughout the next few day will surely follow very soon!
With much love from all of us,
Irina, Melanie, Svenja, Pappy and Dejoie
This is our team with Dr. Isokelo close to Panzi Hospital